The Newly Astro Turf Cage Area 2020
With the money raised from all of our PTA events over the past 12-18 months along with very kind donations from the St Paul's Breakfast & After School Club and Parkers Estate Agents (Tilehurst Branch) we are pleased to share this great news - the laying of the astro turf to the cage area for our children.
A massive THANK YOU to our groundsman Mr Guntzenbach for ensuring the caged area was fully restored prior to the laying of the astro turf.
A massive THANK YOU to Mrs Oster, Mrs Madhurapantula and our school staff for supporting this project and allowing us to execute it.
A massive THANK YOU to all the PTA passed and present who worked so hard to fundraise to make this project possible, from an idea to completion.
A personal THANKS to Mr Browne, Mrs Eveleigh, Stacey, Jodie and Rachel for supporting this project from the start.
And finally our beautiful children who drove this project and kept us motivated to complete it. This is our thanks to you for always making us proud of St Paul's.
Team work, Hard work, Perseverance and the power of good can really do amazing things.
Heres to 2021 and lots more exciting fundraising to be had
United through Jesus in Faith, Love and Learning
God Bless
Nat Bone - Co-Chair PTA
Project completed by
check out below for more photos