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St Paul's Catholic
Primary School

Our Prayer Life

Prayer is a central part of our school day. 

Our Tree of Peace, carrying our children's prayers for peace.


These are some of the prayers the children learn as they move through our school.

Early Years KS1
  • Sign of the Cross
  • Morning Prayer
  • Lunchtime Prayer
  • Evening Prayer
  • Our Father
  • Hail Mary
  • Sign of the Cross
  • Morning Prayer
  • Lunchtime Prayer
  • Evening Prayer
  • Our Father
  • Hail Mary
  • Glory Be
  • Guardian Angel
  • Act of Sorrow
  • Eternal Rest
  • Sign of the Cross
  • Morning Prayer
  • Lunchtime Prayer
  • Evening Prayer
  • Our Father
  • Hail Mary
  • Glory Be
  • Guardian Angel
  • Eternal Rest
  • Act of Sorrow
  • Holy, Holy,
  • Lamb of God
  • Sign of the Cross
  • Morning Prayer
  • Lunchtime Prayer
  • Evening Prayer
  • Our Father
  • Hail Mary
  • Glory Be
  • Guardian Angel
  • Eternal Rest
  • Act of Sorrow
  • Holy, Holy,
  • Lamb of God
  • Gloria
  • Apostle's Creed
  • Rosary

Every child will also know the Children's version of the Angelus and be able to answer the responses to the Mass and to have the opportunity for personal prayer.

Fr. Jude talking to the children about the liturgy of the Word at mass, as part of their RE lesson. 

The children are taught about the proceedings of mass and the different parts of the Liturgy of the Word, and the significance of each aspect.

They were able to ask significant questions which father was only too happy to answer.


Liturgy Disciples


Many of our Mini Vinnies are working under the guidance of our two Liturgy Disciples. They help the Mini Vinnies prepare 'Celebration of the Words', which they then lead in all classes across the school.

Spontaneous prayer:

Our Yr 6s and their mentees (Yr R) went to the grotto of the Sacred Heart at our parish and spent a few moments in prayer and quiet reflection as it was the month of June.

Our Circle of Prayer

Our children spent a morning taking part in a 'Circle of Prayer' to celebrate the Year of Prayer in 2024. They listened to and joined in prayers at six areas around the school.

Prayers for the Homeless



Their prayers for the homeless, for charities who help them and people in authority were attached to cardboard boxes.




Prayers for Creation

In our Copse the children looked at and listened to the sights and sounds of God's Creation all around them.


Prayers for our School




The children's prayers for friendship, success and community, written on blue strips made a chain circle acknowledging our Mission statement United with Jesus in Faith Love and Learning.



Prayers for the Sick

Children wrote the names of someone they knew who is ill on a sticking plaster, these were attached to the cross in our playground Temple.



Prayers to bring God Closer to People 

 In line with our Bishop's vision, the children worked together to write on Hand Templates, the names of people or groups who they would like to know Jesus better. They hung these on a washing line in our Prayer Garden.


The Our Father - on returning to their classrooms children spent time reflecting on the meaning of different parts of this prayer before praying it together.